The first step to any new website is purchasing a domain. This is the address where people can find you. If you already own your domain, make sure you know where you purchased it, and what the password is for your account. If not, we've listed our favorite places to buy domains below.
Your logo is the face of your company, it tells everyone about your brand, and what you represent. If you already have a logo you love, make sure you have high resolution versions we can use for your site. If you don't, we've listed some amazing resources for logo creation that fit all budgets.
Imagine your website in terms of pages. Make a list of the pages you know you'll need on your site, and which ones you would like to see on your navigation menu. A good way to visualize this is by making a layout map.
The biggest secret to a beautiful website is amazing imagery. If you have your own high quality content, I would recommend using Dropbox (it's free) so we can share files easily. If you don't, you can get free stock photos or customized content on the websites we've listed below.
This is your chance to figure out what you want your site to tell your customers. Typically people don’t want to do a lot of reading so make sure you keep your content relevant, interesting, and concise.
Google and other search engines look through the internet for content in order to show people the most relevant information. To make sure your website shows up when people search for you, use the resources below to help plan which important keywords to incorporate into your written content.
Selling digital or physical products from your website is important for many businesses. At Inspace we tailor solutions for each customer so that your business model and user flow is suited to your needs. We often integrate the platforms below and more for different ecommerce use cases.
In a world of do it yourself website builders and templates, things have gotten a little stale. Our mission is to shake things up with truly revolutionary designs. If you're unsure how you want your site to look, we've provided some resources to inspire you that showcase the most forward thinking designs in the industry. You can also send links to websites you love!
Custom domain email addresses are great for presenting your company in a professional way. Depending on how much space you need for each mailbox, and how many addresses you'll have, pricing can range from $0 to $5/month per user. We've provided a few options for you to consider if this is a necessity for your business.
All the best brands have iconic color schemes. Choosing yours is important, but it shouldn't overwhelm you. We've listed a few great resources to help you pick your colors. While deciding, think about which colors will be your primary, secondary, and accent colors. If you want to leave this up to us, we're more than happy to create a color scheme just for you!
Fonts, like colors, are important, but can be overwhelming. Fonts say a lot about your brand so keep in mind what your business does, and if the font you like matches your industry. There isn’t a science to font selection since it’s based on taste, but below are some tools to help you discover fonts you like, and match them with others that are complimentary.